New Students
2024-2025 Registration
To enroll your child for the 2024-25 school year, please follow the instructions on the OUSD website and contact the school office. School staff will be able answer any questions you have and help you complete your student's enrollment process.
Please contact Student & Community Services at 714-628-5424 if you have any questions about the enrollment process.
Registration for your child’s new school year begins with an easy, online process through Parent Portal!
Please complete a Parent Portal Form and submit to your school office with identification.
For more information see our Registration Page.
To complete the registration process, log in to the Parent Portal Account and click on the banner that says, “You have not completed the Student Data Confirmation Process.”
Parent Portal
Continuing Students
Please review annual notifications and update your student information by clicking on the banner. All *required and optional documents are electronically completed, signed and submitted directly to your school.
Once you login to your Parent Portal account*:
Update telephone numbers for parents and emergency contacts, provide updated student health conditions.
Complete a residence survey
Complete the Technology Survey for device and internet access.
Authorize or Decline Emergency Medical Treatment, Internet Use and Photo Release.
Acknowledge annual notifications regarding the Parent/Pupil Handbook Notification of Rights, Student Accident Insurance, the Native American Program, Secondary Health Education letter, and Medi-Cal Consent Form.
Print the Emergency Card, sign, date and submit to the office. You will also need to submit the Over-the-Counter Products Authorization Form and Library Guidelines form.